Lessons Retaught

  • Emily
  • Aug 18, 2013

“…the Present is all lit up with eternal rays.”

You know what’s amazing, and not in a good way? As humans, we can learn a lesson and really learn it well – yet chances are, we’ll forget it and make the exact same mistake.

I’m taking a break this week from writing a new post on thankfulness, but I wanted to share this one again. I was looking back at some old posts and, as I read this one, I felt a strange connection that I was writing to myself. God was using a lesson I thought I’d learned to teach me again.

Emily, live day by day. Don’t put faith in your future, don’t hold on to your past. 

Be thankful, because this moment, this very moment as you breathe in and out – this is full of My glory and grace. I am taking care of the next moment, and I will be there.

So this does tie into the thankfulness theme in that this moment is more than a millisecond – it is huge and filled with beauty and goodness. And wow, I have so, so much to be thankful for. Click the link at the beginning of this post to read “…The Present is all lit up with eternal rays.”


Twenty-something-year-old vagabond making my way home. I write from the midwest on the coast of Lake Michigan about life lessons, my failures, and what God reveals to me through His word and the wise people He’s placed in my life.

August 20, 2013




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