She found these mushrooms on her day’s journey. “I want to identify them,” she told me, and I did, too. As our conversation continued, we found ourselves identifying each other. Identifying with each other. Struggles, victories; mysteries, discoveries; dislikes, loves; valleys, peaks.
We all want identity, and perhaps even more, to have someone identify us. To know what we know of the deepest of ourselves. But with each one of us so individual and rare – more than rare; utterly unique – we can never be truly known by another individual. Hours of conversation and silence can only reveal so much. The soul’s facets are infinite.
This reflects the soul’s Creator.
And because of this reflection, there is One who can truly identify us. Identify with us. The very One who gave us identity [Romans 6; I Peter 2:9], the very One who identifies with us [Hebrews 4:15].
And for this reason, we can love. For we are loved intimately and fully. We need not, and so can meet needs of others. We want not, so can give up things that cannot compare to the wealth of Christ. We as individuals can be united as one body, for we are all of the same Christ, if we believe.
To know, and be known – something considered to be a greatest joy. Something that is available to us through the One who made us. “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.” [I Corinthians 13:12]